About WEA

The Wareham Education Association is a professional society that unites hundreds of individuals working to further the education of the children studying in the Wareham Public Schools. The WEA is composed of four units:

  • Unit A: Classroom teachers and caseload workers including but not limited to special education teachers, speech therapists, occupational and physical therapists, school psychologists, guidance counselors, nurses, etc.
  • Unit B: Assistant Principals
  • Unit C: Paraprofessionals and Speech/Language Assistants
  • Unit D: Secretaries

The WEA brings together educators to better their practice and career. It does this by providing information regarding members’ evaluations and rights, providing its members with services in the event their professional rights are not respected, and working with educators to locate and advocate for appropriate professional development to provide a 21st century education for Wareham’s children. The Association is the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective bargaining as regards wages, hours and conditions of employment for all professional employees employed by the Wareham School Committee. The goal of the Association is to provide the highest quality education possible for the children of Wareham.

The work of the WEA is performed by its elected officers and building representatives assembled in the WEA’s board, but there are always needs for more members to get involved. WEA business is carried out at regular meetings conducted in accordance with the WEA by-laws (which are available in the Members Only section).

All this is maintained in concert with the associations to which the WEA belongs, the Plymouth County Education Association, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, and the National Education Association.

If you have any further questions, please contact us!