Please make sure you are listed correctly on the seniority list and if you find that you are not, the deadline to challenge is March 1.
Seniority List and Procedure to Challenge List
- By February 1 of each school year, the Superintendent will post a seniority listing, which will have been determined as of the immediately preceding December 31, by disciplines of all professional personnel represented by the Association. If so licensed, personnel may appear on the seniority list in more than one discipline (as defined above), if they are teaching or have taught in more than one discipline in the Wareham School System. Said seniority list shall be forwarded to the President of the Association and posted in all buildings. Teachers with the greatest length of
seniority (as previously defined) will be listed first in each discipline; teachers with the least amount of service will be placed last on the list. - Any teacher who wishes to challenge his/her position on the seniority list shall submit the challenge, in writing, to both the Superintendent and the President of the Association, setting forth the basis for the challenge, no later than March 1. Said challenges shall be jointly reviewed by the Superintendent and the President of the Association in an effort to resolve said challenges. Any unresolved challenge or new challenges resulting from the resolution of a challenge shall be submitted to a tripartite panel described below. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article VI of this
Agreement, a tripartite panel, consisting of a person appointed by the Association, a person appointed by the Committee, and a third person chosen by the appointed persons, shall meet to decide the validity of the unresolved challenges. If the parties are unable to agree on a neutral third party, they will jointly request from American Arbitration Association a list of five names, and after striking alternately two names, the remaining name shall be the neutral third party. This panel shall render its decision prior to April 1st. A teacher who has filed timely in accordance with the provisions of this Article a challenge to the seniority list which remains unresolved shall be advised of the date, time and place of the meeting of said panel. The teacher and, if the teacher so desires, a representative of the Association shall have the opportunity to explain his/her challenge before the panel. The decision of a majority of the panel will be final and binding on the teacher, the Association, and the Committee. The cost, if any, of the services of the neutral member of the panel shall be borne equally by the
Committee and the Association. The list, as finally determined by the panel, shall be the seniority list for the purpose of this Article. In the event that there are no unresolved challenges to the February 1 list, then the promulgated list shall be the final list for that school year.
Unit A & B Seniority List 12-31-24
Unit C/ Para Seniority List 12-31-24